IEEE Alexandria Student Branch (simply IEEE AlexSB) was founded in the academic year 2000/2001. IEEE AlexSB's strategy is to handle a series of activities and facilitate services for its members getting them to cope with the new technologies emerging everywhere. IEEE AlexSB is one of the impactful branches in Region 8. The branch has gained a lot of recognition and appreciation globally to the point that in 2009/2010, IEEE AlexSB was the largest student branch in the whole of Region 8, and the second largest one worldwide regarding the number of members.
IEEE AlexSB’s main goal is to enrich the engineering community through a wide range of events, conferences, and long-term programs. The branch’s most popular events are Interact with Today’s World, Integrating Engineers by Management, Protons, and Solid N Void Internship Program. Also, IEEE AlexSB annually organizes a series of visits and summer training opportunities in several factories and companies such as Toshiba, Mercedes, GASCO, and Sidpec. Besides, IEEE AlexSB organizes a variety of on-campus seminars, targeted towards raising the awareness of engineering students, where several technical and non-technical fields are discussed. The organized seminars included: Ethical Hacking, Ruby on Rails & Android Mobile Applications Development, Recent Renewable Energy Sources, Mobile Communication 101, Data Field, Embedded Systems, and most important Dr. Mosutafa El Sayed’s session “Nanotechnology the future world technology of the very small”. In addition to that, the branch is recently exploring new regions by providing one-day workshops like Term’s Kickoff workshop which was a three-day workshop with three different topics for each day. The branch also continues to develop its most popular courses, seminars, and Protons which is a long-term project that has been going on for ten years now that teaches school students the basics of robotics and programming.