ICC Poland is a voice of international business in Poland. The ICC operates through its Commissions. The composition of each of the Commissions consists of the members of the ICC. These members decide about the degree of involvement, development and activity of the specific ICC Commission on the local and international arena. Participation in the works of the Committees allows a unique exchange of global experience and knowledge.
ICC Poland is a strong support for your business in the country and abroad. In times of constant changes in the political and economic sphere, the obligations resulting from Polish membership of the European Union, the increasing Europeanisation of Polish law, or the globalization process, success depends on knowledge and access to global experience. ICC Poland contributes to the creation of future business standards.
Support Committees in ICC Poland:
A r b i t r a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n - the Commission supports the workings of the Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (International Court of Arbitration), acts as an intermediary and also promotes the idea of mediation and arbitration in academia and business. The members of this Commission are some of the best Polish lawyers and specialists in arbitration.
B a n k i n g C o m m i s s i o n - The members of this Committee play a significant role in creating the market standards for key financial instruments to support international trade.
C o m p e t i t i o n C o m m i s s i o n - bringing together leading practitioners of antitrust law from different sectors of the economy as well as lawyers specializing in competition law - monitors the development of national and international legal regulations and actively participates in discussions over their shape. The Commission is contributing through its actions to the support of entrepreneurs in sustainable and pragmatic application of Polish and European antitrust laws.