Founded by investment industry veterans Gregory Petriekis and Brian Mikes, Hyperion Financial provides unbiased and completely independent research to subscribers around the world. While providing investment insight primarily for the individual investor, Hyperion's subscribers also include mutual fund managers, institutional investors, stockbrokers, and financial planners.
Hyperion Financial's founders have over two decades of experience working for some of the largest financial services and investment banking firms in the world including UBS, Smith Barney, Soundview Financial, and Canaccord Adams. This unique collection of talent allows Hyperion to offer the best investment ideas and strategies that Wall Street and Silicon Valley have to offer.
Our analysts cover a broad range of investment strategies from investing in relatively unknown blue-chip stocks to advanced option trading. In addition, we are constantly searching out and testing new strategies that we think can help our subscribers achieve their financial and investment goals.
All of the investment strategies we offer have been thoroughly tested and screened to ensure the greatest probability of profit with the lowest possible risk. We do not offer any investment strategies that we have not invested in ourselves, with our own personal money.
It is this practice that truly sets Hyperion Financial apart from other firms in the investment business.