Hydrogen Whiskey is a L.A. based animation studio, known for producing cutting edge CG trailers & cutscenes, character animation sets, as well as motion graphics, design and visual effects.
Established in 1992, Hydrogen Whiskey, serves the game and entertainment industries. Our Los Angeles location provides access to an army of creative talent, and rapid scalability.
Most recently, we are proud to be working with TELLTALE animating in-game character sequences for Game of Thrones and Borderlands and with ZYNGA creating game promo videos and mobile app previews.
Hydrogen Whiskey. Our proof really is in our work. Contact us to discuss your next project!
- Zynga - various video ads
- Telltale Games: Game of Thrones, Borderlands, The Walking Dead,The Wolf Among Us - animation
- Way Forward Technology: Till Morning's Light - cutscenes in Unity
- The Social Express - iPad Learning App
- Disney: Unannounced R&D project
- Myriata: iPad Virtual World
- Activision: Fast & Furious game cutscenes
- Activision: Wreck it Ralph opening & closing movies
- EA: character modeling
- Activision: Ice Age cutscenes
- Microsoft: Kinect Star Wars cutscenes
- Activision: Generator Rex cutscenes
- Activision: Nascar trailer
- Sega: Iron Man 2 Cutscenes
- Double Helix: Front Mission: Evolved Cutscenes
- BellaSara: 08 & 09 Commercial
- Vivendi: GhostBusters Ingame Movies
- Spectracide commercial spots
- THQ: SmackDown! vs. Raw '06, '07, '08, '09 and '10
- THQ: Saint's Row 2 Promo Trailer
- THQ: UFC E3 '07 Promo Trailer
- THQ: Wrestlemania 21
- Midway: Wheelman
- Atari: Terminator 3
- Atari: Dungeons & Dragons
- Atari: Mission Impossible 3
- Sony: Lords of Everquest
- EA: Lord of the Rings
- Sega: NBA & NFL 2K2
- Firaxis: Alpha Centauri & Alien Crossfire
- Majasco: BloodRayne 2
- Acclaim: Mechwarrior art
- Activision: GTR
- MicroProse: Civ 2: A Test of Time