Hyderabad Youth Assembly is an endeavor of Street Cause to accredit the youth and present them with an opportunity to give their two cents worth to general public. This institution is to tackle various socio-economic concerns endemic to our country through dialogue followed by action.
No real social change can ever occur without the translation of thought to action. The ultimate end of all social change is to establish the sanctity and the dignity of human life and the right of every human being to liberty, equality and social and mental well-being. HYA aims to make that into a reality with every project it takes up.
Conferences are old school, we talk and talk for days together and once they’re done, a sense of satisfaction, pride and enthusiasm takes over as we are under the impression that we have achieved something good and fruitful, which was beneficial either to a company, an organization or to the whole society. Weeks pass by as we wait to see the change, we had hoped for and discussed about. Our pent-up enthusiasm now starts to dwindle and a sense of harsh reality seeps in as we finally accept that it was in fact, 'just another conference'.