
Hycool Data Communications,

Warehouses, Real Estate, Construction Real Estate
Phone Number: 82 - 18 - 3531563
A Technological Innovation in Ripening SystemsGet operational and economical efficiency with our advanced automated ripening system.hyCool?is the revolutionary system that automates the entire ripening process. By expanding the limitations of a distribution warehouse, hyCool?makes unattended ripening possible over the Internet.Through advanced information management, hyCool?systematizes a process that previously was done manually. hyCool?reduces costs because it controls the product's entire product lifecycle from the place of origin to the time it's put in the customer's hands.hyCool?makes ripening possible 365 days a year regardless of the location of the product.  Every ripening locations is linked to a central control facility.  Information on the stock's status is always available.  Remote control of the product flow is centralized.AWS Automated Warehouse SystemIntegrated ripening facility control systemCMS Communication Middleware SystemOn-line off-line real-time information exchange systemWCS Web-based Control SystemReal-time control system using the internetQTS (Quality-history Tracking System)SMS Stock Management SystemInventory management system.From product receiving to the final customersThe hyCool?solution can handle processes ranging from receiving the products to shipping. But to be in control of the entire distribution process to the point where the product is in the hands of the final customers, the SMS will be integrated with EAI(Enterprise Application Integration), ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning), GPS(Global Positioning System), and EIP(Enterprise Information Portal) through the Web.hyCool?Partners Dole, Dalmont,Bu Sung Techniques Research Co. Ltd., Pan Korea Engineering Co., LTD., Hanna Industries Inc.
Year Founded
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Warehouses, Real Estate, Construction Real Estate, Home Garden, Consumer Electronics
HQ Location
5th Fl. Asset Venture Tower 996-1 Taechi Dong. Kangnam Ku Seoul 135-280
  • 5th Fl. Asset Venture Tower 996-1 Taechi Dong. Kangnam Ku Seoul 135-280

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Warehouses, Real Estate, Construction Real Estate

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