Beca HunterH2O is a diverse, empowered, and trusted team of 300+ water specialists, passionate about healthy and sustainable communities wherever we work.
We design and deliver smart, resilient outcomes within regional and metropolitan environments, elevated by a strong process and operations heritage which ground-truths our specialist capability.
We believe in a collaborative partnership approach to working alongside our clients and delivery partners toward an increasingly sustainable future.
Whilst Hunter H2O was initially formed in 2014 having evolved from a water utility consulting group, our continual growth through building a strong presence around our offices in Brisbane, Newcastle, Adelaide, Tamworth and Fiji has recently led to a lucrative opportunity to join forces with Beca – creating Beca HunterH2O. The fully integrated capability of Hunter H2O into Beca will make us one of Asia-Pacific’s leading water industry specialists, with the ability to bolster capacity to service clients across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific.
More information on Hunter H2O can be found at
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
19 Spit Island Close
Steel River
AU,NSW,Mayfield West,2304
Water and WastewaterConsultancy EngineeringProcess and Civil DesignElectrical and SCADADam SafetyAsset ManagementModelling (Hydrology and Hydraulic)DataAdvisory and PlanningDigital and SCADA