We are a professional body that brings together over 1,000 Private Human Resources Practitioners and Professionals, the academia, Community based Human Resources, Development Partners, Public and Non-Governmental Human Resource Professionals, with a mission to institute standards, enhance development and promote Human Resource Management Best Practices in Organizations.
Our Vision
To be a leading Professional association in People management that enhances competence productivity and quality of life
Our Mission
Institute standards, enhance development and promote Human Resource Management as a strategic function in organization
Aims and Objectives
To encourage and promote the development of the Human Resources Management practice.
To maintain and foster Human Resources management practice in commerce, industry, trade, government, para-government, voluntary organizations and others.
To foster and maintain high professional standards among Human Resources practitioners.
To act as a pressure group to safeguard the professional interests of the members.
To organize/arrange meetings, tours, lectures, discussions, conferences and seminars for practitioners and/management or for both to enable them to exchange views, ideas, experiences, information etc, in the interest of the profession.
To provide consultancy and advice on Human Resources management practice and operation to National Institutions and any other interested parties.
To act as clearing House on Human Resources Management practices.
To publish periodically a bulletin containing information and general professional interests for circulation to members.