About HCDPN:
Human Capital Development Professionals Nepal, popularly known as HCDPN is a legal, registered, non-profit organization. It is a platform for voluntarily learning, sharing and networking for friends from a common network; sharing good practices of/for organizational innovations; create peer learning network for individuals and organizations; supporting each other in managerial agendas; and exploring ideas for organizational and human capital development.
Empowering Human Capital for Future Leadership.
A leading HCD network at the level of policy formulation with self-initiated, dedicated and highly disciplined professional members.
1. A purely working professional and non-political platform to develop professionals' outcomes.
2. A free learning and sharing platform in the field of Human Capital Development in Nepal.
3. Share ideas, opinions, knowledge, skills, various issues, experiences, relevant information in the field of Human Capital Development to strengthen the Human Capital Management Practices in the era of 21st Century in Nepal.
4. Healthy discussion, fact sharing and professional development.
5. A registered and non-profit distributing organization to work continuously in the field of human capital development through Public, Private, Partnership (P3) approach incorporating national and international stakeholders.
6. Facilitating a crucial role in planning the curriculum of technical and non-technical educational courses by identifying the practical gap between industry and academia from primary to university level.
7. Facilitating various professional engagement activities like workshops, seminars and awards, research, articles, case studies, publication, certified and non-certified training courses at minimum cost.
8. Retaining and attracting human capital through maximum utilization of knowledge, skills and experiences by recommending as per the national requirement.