Hudson Machine and Tool

Hudson Machine and Tool specializes in Machinery Manufacturing with 11 employees
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About Hudson Machine and Tool
Hudson Machine and Tool is located in Hammond, Wisconsin. We are a business-to-business company that specializes in high-quality, precision machinery with quick delivery, all while maintaining competitive prices. We have a large 28,000 square foot facility with state-of-the-art machines and over 30 years of industry experience. We have advanced machine technologies, including a wide variety of machine sizes that provides us with a broad range of products we can make. Hudson Machine and Tool is now part of a family of companies. Noble-X, Inc. companies include full-service CNC Machine and Fabrication Shops with 4 locations in Wisconsin. We produce metal and plastic parts for a variety of industries, ranging from convection tube sheets for ethylene furnaces to equipment for food services, material handling, ethanol manufacturing, heavy construction and high-speed weighing. In addition, Noble-X offers welding and structural steel fabrication.
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Machinery Manufacturing
HQ Location
1750 Ridgeway St Hammond, Wisconsin 54015, US
Precision machinery manufacturingCNC machiningStructural steel fabricationWeldingAdvanced machine technologies
High-quality, precision machineryMetal partsPlastic partsConvection tube sheetsEquipment for food servicesMaterial handling equipmentEthanol manufacturing equipmentHeavy construction equipmentHigh-speed weighing equipment
Precision MachineryJust in Time (JIT) DeliveryExcellent Customer ServiceIndustry leading qualityPrecision CNC MachiningCustom Machining SOlutionsSteel FabricatioEDM MachiningTurning and MillingSurface Grinding
Hudson Machine and Tool Location
  • 1750 Ridgeway St Hammond, Wisconsin 54015, US

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Hudson Machine and Tool specializes in the Machinery Manufacturing field

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Hudson Machine and Tool specializes in the Machinery Manufacturing field