Our Mission:
Housing Families First gives families facing homelessness the opportunity to build a legacy for their families by providing a path to a permanent home.
We carry out this mission through three core programs: Hilliard House, a short-term emergency shelter for families; Building Neighbors, a rapid re-housing program; and Bringing Families Home, a partnership program in which we help precariously housed students and their families in Chesterfield, Richmond, and Henrico move to permanent housing.
Our Vision:
A Richmond region where all children and their families have a safe place to call home.
Housing Families First is a 501(c)3 organization with a 20-year track record of successfully helping families experiencing homelessness move to permanent homes.
Individual and Family Services
HQ Location
3900 Nine Mile Road
Richmond, VA 23223, US
Emergency shelter managementRapid re-housing strategiesPermanent housing assistance
Short-term emergency shelter (Hilliard House)Rapid re-housing program (Building Neighbors)Partnership program (Bringing Families Home)
homeless shelterrapid rehousingfamilieschildreonprofitsocial work