Hospify combines the best of LinkedIn, WhatsApp and Slack with an innovative, compliant architecture to provide a universal data and messaging platform for health care. Health care is no longer confined to the surgery and the hospital, and the direction of travel is for more and more services to be broken out of these institutions and placed in the community, or even in people's homes (see Innovation Impact section, below, for policy evidence).
Communication and coordination of health professionals and patients between multiple organisations is now a constant, and communication solutions that only service one institution and are confined to one cost centre will always fail to solve this problem.
Since the advent of GDPR and the UK Data Protection Act 2018, using email and consumer solutions like WhatsApp to provide the "glue" that holds these services together is no longer acceptable from the point-of-view of patient privacy. Hospify is specifically designed to fill this gap and provide a genuinely universal mobile communication platform that is free at the point of use for most people, and gives everyone in health a default way to find and talk to each other when trying to work across city boroughs and institutional boundaries.