Benvinguts a casa!
Home Work Coworking va néixer l'any 2014 d'una necessitat per compartir un espai amb professionals independents de tots els sectors, per desenvolupar la nostra passió amb la comoditat de sentir-nos com a casa.
El que no sabíem és que seríem tants i amb tan bon rotllo. Per sort les coses han anat bé i a finals de 2015, l'espai va créixer i la família també.
Des de llavors Home Work es divideix en dos coworkings, un espai per a 10 persones i un altre espai per a 15 persones i amb tres sales de reunions, per poder fer tot tipus d'esdeveniments.
Welcome Home!
Home Work coworking was born in 2014 from a necessity to share a space to achieve that independent professional from different sectors, could develop their passion with the comfort of feeling home.
What we didn't expect is that we could be so many people with so much good vibes. Fortunately, things have been great and at the end of 2015 the space and the family grown.
Nowadays, Home Work is divided in two coworkings, one space of 10 people and another one of 15 people.
Also, we have three meeting rooms, one of them is used to do any event that you want, conference, expositions, and workshops. Come and take a look!