Hijaz Hospital Trust

Hijaz Hospital Trust specializes in Hospitals and Health Care with 201 employees
Email Address: info@hijazhospital.org.pk
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About Hijaz Hospital Trust
Hijaz Hospital Lahore is a non-commercial, non-profitable and a charitable institute working exclusively for the welfare of deserving and destitute patients. It is run by Hijaz Social Welfare Society Lahore, dedicated to the cause of helping poor people. 98% of our clients are too poor to afford even basic needs of life. Some very poor and few even below the line of poverty. Hijaz Hospital Lahore provides quality medical services and standard health care to its patients. Starting as an outdoor small dispensary in 1979 it has come a long way. It is now a purpose built complex with multiple disciplines. We shall strive to: Ethical medical practices Ensure patient safety and provide complete health care. Achieve excellence in the provision of highest standards of medical services to create a benchmark for ourselves in the medical field. Come upto the expectation and trust reposed in this organization. Our Objective Holistic Approach to Patient safety Quality patient care and satisfaction, Sanitation & Hygiene Maintain Public Trust Our Dedication Adhere to local Laws & Legislations. Train our employees continuously to perform their best. Review our systems and practices regularly for continual improvement Provide equal opportunities of employment.
Year Founded
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Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
Hijaz Hospital 27/D-1 Sir Syed Road Gulberg III Lahore, Punjab 54000, PK
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Hijaz Hospital Trust Location
  • Hijaz Hospital 27/D-1 Sir Syed Road Gulberg III Lahore, Punjab 54000, PK

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Hijaz Hospital Trust specializes in the Hospitals and Health Care field