HIAST is a Syrian governmental higher-education establishment since 1983. HIAST mission is to prepare highly-qualified engineers and researchers in applied sciences and technology.
HIAST awards the Engineering Diploma (B.Sc) in Communication, Informatics, Electronic Systems, Mechatronics, Materials Science and Engineering, and in Aeronautics.
Seven Master programs (2 years postgraduate, “by-research” academic masters) are available at HIAST: Communication Systems, Control, Robotics, Information Systems and Decision Support, Big Data Systems, Optical Science and Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering.
HIAST awards also the PhD degree in Communications, Informatics, Control Systems and in Materials Science and Engineering.
In addition to undergraduate and postgraduate programs at HIAST, a continuous research and development activities are undertaken by HIAST engineers and researchers working in different departments, laboratories and technology centers that HIAST encloses. Some of these R&D activities are undertaken in collaboration with national and international research centers, universities & organizations.
HIAST is considered the most prestigious institution for higher education in Syria. As an institute for the elite, we select our students according to very strict criteria. Applicants to HIAST engineering cycle should be among the top 15% of high school students. Moreover, the student must have obtained excellent scores in scientific subjects (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry).
HIAST Engineering curriculum is derived mainly from the French Engineering Schools (Ecoles d'Ingénieurs), which are famous for their excellence all over the world.
Admission at HIAST is very selective. Each year HIAST accepts in B.Sc programs only 100-150 students. The academic staff at HIAST is formed of about 85 teachers for about 340 students.
Institut Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologies -ISSAT
المعهد العالي للعلوم التطبيقية والتكنولوجيا -دمشق، سورية