Hi-Hope Service Center cultivates community for adults with developmental disabilities by connecting them with integrated opportunities for learning, work and leisure.
As a non-profit with over 55 years of helping individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, Hi-Hope Service Center strives to provide the highest level of service to the individuals that we serve. A key to our success is the dedication of our outstanding staff and the support that we receive from the community.
Hi-Hope’s purpose is to provide support to an individual in a way that encourages and allows them to increase their ability to function independently. Working to allow individuals to engage in integrated community settings is primary to our method. Connecting participants with “natural supports” or individuals with whom they can be engaged who are not “paid” to support them is an important goal. Hi-Hope provides access to the necessary tools to enable individuals with developmental disabilities to live their lives fully, while their personal goals to experience new opportunities and obtain increased independence are supported.