HeartToHeart™ provides a system of coordinated by using the Care Coordinator to ensure providers, patients, members of the care support team, and volunteers actively collaborate to ensure a patient receives the best possible health outcome.
HeartToHeart establishes a unique information exchange between hospitals, pharmacies, labs, providers, and other authorized users. Not only does this information exchange allow providers across the continuum to have a full understanding of an individual’s total health, but the exchange ensures that patients and members of their care support team have the information necessary to answer their questions.
Coordinated care is also facilitated through the use of community care organizations who provide volunteers to fill in the gaps when the care support team is not available. For example, if a patient needs a ride to a doctor’s appointment and the care support team is not able to provide the transportation, pre-selected community care organizations will be contacted by the care coordinator to provide this service.
HeartToHeart™ uses technology infrastructure and care manager to provide different level of care management services which include i) care coordination ii) clinical follow-up care iii) transition care iv) clinical care management v) complex care management