
HealthMedPharma specializes in Staffing and Recruiting with 2 employees
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About HealthMedPharma
At HealthMedPharma our name says it all. We specialize in placing the right healthcare, medical or pharmaceutical industry professionals in the right positions to achieve the precise fit that ultimately works for both employers and employees. With more than twenty years experience, our team has worked with the largest professional services and staffing companies in the world. Our commitment to the “art of recruiting” was developed through our extensive expertise in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, life sciences, medical device and health information technology (HIT) industries. Unlike many staffing companies, we are not a “post and plug” firm. We remain focused on our targeted industries, and we use our website and our wide-ranging network to meet the staffing needs of our clients. With a database of more than 10,000 health, medical and pharmaceutical candidates, we take time to find truly qualified candidates and reward them with challenging career opportunities. Strategically we are well positioned in the mid-Atlantic region serving the corridor from Wall Street to Washington, DC. Specifically the Philadelphia/Eastern Pennsylvania region is considered the Healthcare/Pharmaceutical belt where the largest, most prestigious, and industry leading organizations are located. With this in mind, it is the best base for highly skilled candidates to live and work.
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Staffing and Recruiting
HQ Location
894 Winding River Ln Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460, US
Healthcare staffingPharmaceutical staffingLife sciences staffingMedical device staffingHealth information technology staffingTargeted industry recruitmentArt of recruiting
Staffing servicesRecruitment servicesCandidate placement services
Executive Search ConsultingRecruitingExecutive Search
HealthMedPharma Location
  • 894 Winding River Ln Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460, US

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HealthMedPharma specializes in the Staffing and Recruiting field