Empower Employees To Max-out The Value Of Their Health Insurance Benefits.
Employees receive great benefits, but make bad choices where they lose over $4,600 every year, and do not save for the $350,000 required for healthcare expenses in retirement today..
Employers often receive sub optimal value for their health insurance premiums and give their hard earned $ to insurance companies. They depend on finance to add new benefits required to attract and retain talent.
With HealthLucid, employees make personalized, high quality decisions that maximize the value of their health insurance benefits in their healthcare journey. They select the optimal plan and allocate the right amount for FSA/HSA based on their healthcare usage, financial situation and plan design. Later when they use healthcare, they make high quality less expensive in-network choices, save time and get assistance on large bills. Long term, employees also embark on smart savings for retirement.
Employers can either pocket or use this savings to provide new benefits to their employees, and continue to attract and retain talent. Finance loves it and employees appreciate HR
Benefit consultants leverage this platform to increase their NPS with existing clients, and differentiate to get new clients
Everyone wins!
Email hello@healthlucid.com for a quick demo