Every day, Headworks International devotes its considerable resources to meet the world’s demand for our most precious resource: clean water. The challenges facing the water industry change daily—to meet these evolving needs, we’ve devoted decades to continuously engineer innovative wastewater treatment solutions that have become industry standards. Our series of robust screens are the most reliable on the market, while our proven MBBR and IFAS systems are revolutionizing the way facilities are retrofitted and upgraded. Anaerobic MBBR is winning orders in the RNG (Renewable Natural Gas) sector.
It takes a global company to meet the world’s global demand for clean water: because life depends on it, you can depend on us.
Environmental Services, Water, Sewage and Other Systems, Utilities, Electronics - Services & Equipment
HQ Location
11000 Brittmoore Park Drive
Houston, TX 77041, US
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Solutions (MBBR/IFAS)Wastewater Screens and Screening Handling EquipmentAnaerobic Wastewater TreatmentIndustrial Wastewaterscreening equipmentchemical treatmentmeat and poultrybiological treatmentstainless steelammonia and nitrogen