Influence. PR used to mean ‘Press Relations, but since the 1.0-era has come to an end, the world has become a lot bigger. Or smaller, depending on your perspective. If you want to reach people effectively, influence them or move them, you have to look at who will truly touch them: bloggers, journalists, specialists, social media or celebrities. This playing field, where we influence citizens, consumers or public opinion, is the expertise of Havana Orange. This expertise, we have dubbed Community PR.
We do not believe that social media should be all encompassing, but we do know that it is indispensable for any communications plan. We know that a good publication in a daily newspaper is invaluable, but we are just as thrilled with well-conceived in-script sponsoring on a commercial network. In a nutshell, Community PR is seamless integration of:
- Public relations & free publicity
- Content marketing
- Social media & blogging
- Product placement & in-script sponsoring
- Brand activation & events
- Corporate communications