Harvard International Law Journal

Harvard International Law Journal specializes in International Affairs with 51 employees
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About Harvard International Law Journal
As “the oldest and most-cited student-edited journal of international law,” the Harvard International Law Journal covers a variety of international issues and topics in public and private international law. HILJ is considered “one of the ten most influential law journals in the world, based on research influence and impact factors,” in the Journal Citation Reports. HILJ articles have been cited in decisions by the United States Supreme Court, European Court of Justice, International Court of Justice, and World Trade Organization Dispute Panels. HILJ also publishes student-written work. In addition to an annual Student Note Competition, HILJ publishes pieces on recent developments in international law and reviews of new books in the field. Past student work has been awarded the International Law Students Association’s Francis Deak Prize for the top student-written article published in a student-edited international law journal. HILJ leads discussion and debate on international law at Harvard Law School by hosting speakers and an annual symposium. Recent symposium topics have included “Developments and Challenges in International Intellectual Property Law“ and “International Dispute Resolution in Practice.”
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International Affairs
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1585 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, US
International lawPublic international lawPrivate international lawInternational intellectual property lawInternational dispute resolution
Annual Student Note CompetitionReviews of new books in international lawDiscussion and debate on international lawSymposium on international law topics
Harvard International Law Journal Location
  • 1585 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, US

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