A small proportion children born in any part of world will have some disorder or developmental delay or would have suffered some disease or disorder or accident causing disabilities,which may be life long and severe. In need of specialist therapies. These therapies are essential and in dire need to let the child achieve the required optimum skill.
Every local borough in the UK has a set up called a Child Development Clinic run under the leadership of consultant pediatricians and supported by multidisciplinary therapists. There are thousand of such clinics under the NHS system.
Due to different reasons, these Child Development Clinics, often have many children on long waiting lists, seeking assessment and diagnosis for their difficulties. Unfortunately the waiting lists often may be for months, and in some cases years just to get an appointment for assessment and establishing a diagnosis.
Even after diagnosis there may not be established after plan, no provision of regular consistent treatment. It is a very sparse and broken patchy service which does not provide effective approach and treatment of the child’s problems leaving poor prognosis.
Aim’s & Objectives of New Child Development Clinic :
1/ Make the service affordable to the community at large.
2/One stop shop for assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.
3/Joint assessment in one sitting to save time and relieve parents of anxiety and uncertainty .
4/ Sometimes families may not be able to afford continuous private treatment plans, in this case we do not abandon families rather consider an alternative approach such as training, educating and empowering parents with knowledge and skills.
5/ We aim to offer our Child Development Clinics to families outside of the UK also with Live Skype Consultations. Please enquire if you need this facility and we will set it up.