The Hansen Leadership Institute, started in 2007, is an international network of young leaders working together to create a more cooperative and peaceful future through intercultural dialogue and lifelong relationships. Our mission is to address critical social issues by developing leaders, building bridges, and promoting innovation through a fellowship of young changemakers. The Institute provides hands-on classes and workshops to refine fellows’ peace-making skills through cross-cultural communication, mediation, conflict resolution, social entrepreneurship, and relationship building. These workshops are guided by practitioners from both prestigious academic and professional worlds. To date, The Hansen Summer Institute has received applications from over 124 countries and it’s most recent class had an acceptance rate of 1.2%.
Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
5998 Alcalá Park
San Diego, California 92110, US
Intercultural dialogue facilitationLeadership developmentSocial issue addressingCross-cultural communicationMediationConflict resolutionSocial entrepreneurshipRelationship building
Hands-on classesWorkshopsPeace-making skills trainingCross-cultural communication trainingMediation trainingConflict resolution trainingSocial entrepreneurship trainingRelationship building training
international cooperatioesign thinkingintercultural dialoguesocial entrepreneurshipconflict resolutioethics of leadership