Since 1969, HandsOn Suburban Chicago (HOSC) has been fulfilling its mission “to positively impact communities by connecting people to enriching volunteer experiences.” HOSC mobilizes people to lend their time, talents, and voices to increase the capacity of nonprofits and schools and drive change in 44 suburban communities. HOSC refers volunteers to 100+ community partners and harnesses the power of volunteerism to benefit at-risk students, enable vulnerable populations to age in their homes, and improve communities by providing critical resources to high-needs populations. HOSC partners with nonprofits, schools, and government bodies, providing services to underserved populations, including victims of violence, the disabled, veterans, seniors, youth, and those needing food, shelter, mental health services, and other vital assistance. These organizations are crucial in addressing substantial community needs for underserved and marginalized individuals and families. By increasing access to resources, we can help to level the playing field for those who face disparities.