Enabling the Blue Food Revolution – Mainstreaming sidestreams by transforming underutilised, low-value fish industry raw materials into high-value food products.
Hailia is a food technology company developing novel seafood production methods that promote resource efficiency. Whether it’s salmonid sidestreams, small pelagics, or other underutilised seafood raw materials, we transform them into tasty, easy-to-use mainstream food products with exceptional taste, texture, and mouthfeel. We turn waste into profit: the raw materials wasted in low-value use can be upcycled to have a ten-fold value when utilised as high-quality seafood products such as chunks, patties, and strips.
We function as a licensing tech provider and contract manufacturer, producing novel seafood products at our state-of-the-art facility in Karkkila, Finland.
We strive to use our technology to assist industry members in increasing their resource efficiency and profitability. This brings us all closer to meeting the ever-growing demand for healthy, affordable, and sustainable seafood.
Aiming to be the future industry standard in handling sidestreams and underutilised pelagics, we are on our way to open seas and vast waters. Welcome aboard!