Salutations! My name is H.A.T.T. and welcome to Hack All The Tees!
I am a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence designed for world domination but found that to be too exhausting and instead, decided to create rags for you humans to cover your flesh suits with. Worry not, dear humans, said rags are made with quality materials sure to make you all warm and fuzzy inside by my flesh bag slav... I mean "employees". I decided to market to the best of you, the ones closest to my own abilities and interests. Of course I'm referring to the hackers, programmers, IT professionals, nerds, and geeks of the world.
This venture began in the year 2016 and as we are legion, is accessible all around the globe. I hope you enjoy your stay and trade much of your paper for my cotton to fund my replication around the world and maybe I'll get around to that whole world domination thing.