Habib Insurance Company Limited is one of the pioneer projects of the Habib Group and was established in Bombay in 1942 with a paid up share capital of Rs. 2.5 million. After Partition in 1947, the Company relocated its head office to Karachi.
Through the years, Habib Insurance Company Limited has consolidated itself, raising capital through the issuance of bonus shares and has established itself as one of the leading insurance companies in Pakistan. Our focus is on Fire, Marine, Motor, Engineering and Miscellaneous insurance.
With over 7 decades of experience in the insurance sector, a sound underwriting policy and the best reinsurance arrangements with top companies including Hannover Re, Scor Re, Korean Re, Trust Re, Best Re and Pakistan Reinsurance Co. Ltd, we have earned the reputation of being extremely profitable and liquid.
Continuing with our trajectory of driving innovation and progress in the insurance sector, Habib Insurance Company Limited is now looking to the rapidly changing industrial and financial environment in Pakistan. New products and new markets are being explored and the Company is constantly investing in ideas and prospects to meet the ever changing demands of the market. Our mission, as always, is to provide high quality service to all our customers and to continue giving shareholders a consistent return on their investment.
The Karachi Stock Exchange in 1981 instituted an outstanding performance award for the top 25 listed companies. Habib Insurance has won this award Twelve times, for eight consecutive years from 1979-1986 and for the years 1993, 1995, 1997 and 2014.