HENNLICH Österreich specializes in Industrial Machinery Manufacturing with 51 employees
Email Address: cooling@hennlich.at
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About HENNLICH Österreich
HENNLICH was founded in 1922 and provides high-value technical products and professional solutions for a wide range of industries.
As HENNLICH Group we are currently operating in 18 countries with own subsidiaries. HENNLICH currently employs more than 600 people.
The foundation of our business:
POWERFUL suppliers
We work exclusively with leading international manufacturers.
Each of our suppliers has the highest quality standards and know-how in their field of expertise. Together we are up to every challenge.
MOTIVATED employees
We create a positive working atmosphere in which our employees can continuously improve their skills and develop their full potential.
By openly exchanging opinions and ideas, the basis for our common success is created.
SATISFIED costumers
In rapidly changing markets like today, it is our goal to react quickly to requirements and to meet the needs of our customers in the best possible way.
HENNLICH - Passion in solutions