Account Executive for Central Ohio territory for organization who perform screenings to detect of Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases such as Heart Attack, Stroke, and Aortic Aneuysms. Work with businesses, and medical practices to arrange onsite testings of their employees, and patients. State of the Art Ultrasound Technology provides opportunities for early detection; allowing time for appropriate medical treatment and/or behavioral modification. We offer an economical Ultrasound Screening Package to detect risk factors prior to symptoms which includes: Echocardiogram detection of LV Dysfunction which is the number one cause of death by heart attack (rather than just an EKG), Carotid Artery / IMT, Abdominal Aortic Aneuysm, Ankle Brachial Index, and Blood Pressure. This helps companies save lives, contain their healthcare costs, and offer another valuable benefits to their employees.