After many years of experience in logistics services within Polimark Group, we are pleased to introduce you to a company HBT Logistics, a reliable partner in the storage and distribution of goods in the ambient and in the temperature regime. Our purpose of existence is to provide quality logistics services, continuity and quality in efficient goals performance, possessing instruments of labor, trained staff and organizational skills, with the aim of satisfying the needs of our users.
Our portfolio of services includes
• Ambient storage capacity of 4,760 pallet places
• Refrigerated storage (chamber with a temperature 4 ° - 8 ° C) capacity of 642 pallet places
• Automatic robotic storage space (with the regime 4 ° - 8 ° C) capacity of 2,686 pallet places
• Public customs warehouse for customs clearance services
• The distribution of goods to over 4,000 unloading places in the Republic of Serbia within 24 hours
The quality of our service guarantees possession of IFS standard, as well as skilled and trained team of people oriented towards satisfying the needs of our clients. We have a sophisticated system WMS (Warehouse Management System) with a support of LogView application as well as Westfalia system for automated storage which monitors the stored goods.
Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
HQ Location
Autoput Beograd - Novi Sad 100b
Belgrade, 11080, RS
Ambient storageRefrigerated storageAutomatic robotic storagePublic customs warehouseDistribution of goodsIFS standardand Warehouse Management System