The company HAUS-BAUSTOFFE INH. CARINA FRACKE, is a Wholesaler, which operates in the Wood, undressed industry. It also operates in the Wood - sawn and treated, Windows, Shutters, Doors, house, Wood - sawn and treated, Windows, Shutters, and Doors, house industries. It is based in Allstedt, Germany.
Wood, undressed, Flachdachabdichtungsmaterial, Wärmedämmfassadenmaterial, Gleittüren, Türgriffe, Badewannen aus Holz, Wohnungseingangstüren, Türen aus Kunststoff, Haustüren aus Holz, Holz-Glas-Fassaden
HQ Location
Elisabethstrasse 1,06542,Allstedt,Germany