Hangzhou Jincheng Industrial And Trading

Vehicle transporters, Industrial Vehicles, Vehicles & Transport Equipment · 51 Employees
Phone Number: jcitracks@hotmail.com
Email Address: jcitracks@hotmail.com
Tracked vehicles offer huge advantages over wheeled vehicles, in terms of low ground pressures, and excellent traction. Now JCI Tracks extends those advantages to standard four-wheel-drive vehicles, with a set of four rubber track assemblies, which simply bolt on to the hubs in place of the road-wheels! In the time that it takes to change all four wheels, the truck can be transformed into a high-mobility tracked vehicle, ideal for traversing snow, mud, sand, peat, etc. Versatility is what makes this innovation so attractive - JCI Tracks can be fitted to any suitable vehicle in your fleet without any modification required. Perhaps a remote, snowbound installation requires an emergency repair using a boom-lift? A set of four JCI Tracks can be fitted to the appropriate vehicle, on-site, in around 30 minutes. No special tools or expertise required. Or maybe your environmentally sensitive project site requires that you minimise damage to the ground and vegetation? Fitting JCI Tracks to the
Year Founded
Social Media
Vehicle transporters, Industrial Vehicles, Vehicles & Transport Equipment, Rubber - products for the motor vehicle and transport industry
HQ Location
  • XingqiaoRoadGongshuDistrict,310000Hangzhou-China

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Vehicle transporters, Industrial Vehicles, Vehicles & Transport Equipment

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