Haji Ali Haji Co.W.L.L. (HAH) is a whole sale business entity in Bahrain and has been in operation for more than 75 years. The company's prime business is trading and has three main divisions and a factory, namely Building Materials, Electrical Materials, Switch Gear Factory and Home Appliances. Over the years, Haji Ali Haji Co. evolved in the market and started to build its reputation. The company began to diversify its electrical sector by establishing subsidiaries in Dubai, Abdudhabi, Sharjah, Ras Al-Khaimah and Doha under the name Haji Commercial Co. W.L.L.
Haji Ali Haji Co.W.L.L. offers the top qualities of products in full range supplying from various countries in Europe, Middle East (K.S.A, U.A.E. & Oman), India, the Fareast (China, Singapore, Korea, Japan & Malaysia), Russia, Australia and New Zealand.
Haji Ali Haji has been climbing the ladder of success and has constantly been growing due to its solid infrastructure, customer base and suppliers. Haji Ali Haji is considered to be amongst the top market leaders in its three fields of business and is determined to reach the highest level of the scale of success.
Haji Ali Haji enjoys an excellent reputation for its quality products, flexibility and reliability in its increasing drive to ensure complete customer satisfaction in all its working areas.