H2O Power is investor owned and has operated Hydro Electric Generation in Ontario since 2007. Our Canadian sites include 8 hydroelectric generating stations, 2 control dams and 130km of transmission lines in Northern Ontario. We operate 140.5 MW of generating capacity, with annual energy production of over 835GWh, making us the third largest provider of hydroelectric power in Ontario. All of our Canadian generating stations are operated remotely from our Oshawa Control Center in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
H2O Power also owns and operates two run-of-river hydroelectric facilities in Pennsylvania, Allegheny 8 (13.6 MW) and Allegheny 9 (17.9 MW). The two projects comprise 31.5 MW of baseload nameplate capacity located on the Allegheny River. The Allegheny 8 & 9 facilities together generate approximately 200 GWh of clean electricity annually.
Hydroelectric Power Generation, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Utilities
HQ Location
560 King Street West
Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7J1, CA
Hydro Electricityelectric generatorspipeline and transmissionsmall storagewater powerengineering and planningdevelopment and financingriver water managementsafety and environmentalfund financing