Gubkin Engineering combined competence and expertise of
existing teams of the Gubkin Russian State Gas and Oil University to
provide a full range of services in the framework of implementation
of projects in the following areas:
• Technology and equipment for oil and gas exploration;
• Drilling oil and gas equipment;
• Equipment for complex preparation of oil, natural gas and gas
condensate for transportation;
• System of production, liquefaction and storage of LNG for land and
marine applications (including small-scale production);
• Compressor stations of main gas pipelines;
• Equipment for development of offshore fields (including
underwater extraction complexes);
• Technologies and equipment for processing and utilization of
associated petroleum gas;
• Equipment, chemicals and materials for hydraulic fracturing;
• Equipment and technology of industrial water / wastewater
• Equipment and systems for industrial energy;
• Systems of diagnostics and monitoring the technical condition of
pipeline transportation systems of oil and gas;
• Chemical technology of drilling fluids for completion of oil and gas
• Equipment for the commercial metering of oil and gas and
metrological calibration;
• Technical means of automated control system of oil and gas