If you are exploring for a uppermost China bag, handbag, fashion bag, Wallet & Purse, lady bag Manufacturer that has speciallized in Bags, Belts & Wallets, then Guangzhou Yagoo Leather Co., Ltd. is the right option. The manufactory of Guangzhou Yagoo Leather Co., Ltd. is located in Shiling Guangzhou Guangdong *** China. Guangzhou Yagoo Leather Co., Ltd. is a leading organization in China that is operating internationally. Guangzhou Yagoo Leather Co., Ltd. Information Name: Ms. Lisa Shi Address: Shiling Guangzhou Guangdong *** Country: China Main Products: bag, handbag, fashion bag, Wallet & Purse, lady bag Year Established: 2012 Export Focus: Australia, Canada, India, South Korea, United Kingdom Estimated Employees: Approx 70 Employees Registered Capital: USD ***.***28 Ownership Status: Limited Liability Company (Invested Or Controlled Export Percentage: 41% - 50% Factory Size: 50, 000-100, 000 square meters Production Lines: 7 Research Team Size: Fewer than 5 Contract Services: Design Service Offered