Guangzhou Longzhuo Leather Co.,Ltd. is a manufacturer of all range of leather products in 2006 in China, which is located in a beautiful city--Guangzhou. Our main products are handbags, tote bags, shoulder bags, messenger bags, ladies bags, evening bags, leather handbag, PU handbag, etc. Our company has highly trained R&D team, design team, production, quality control and sales team.
All of our bags comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of markets around the world. Covering an area of 6000 square meters, over 200 employees and an annual sales exceeds USD80,00,000. We are currently exporting 90% handbags worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production, strict quality control system to make sure every bag is in good condition. Our company is pound of our unique design and exquisite workmanship , both reaching the frontier standard in China.
We offer a wide range of products at competitive prices and lead the development of the industry. Our promise is continually to provide the most conscientious services and the widest range of designs in the most suitable materials. Our efforts will include the availability of custom designs with fast delivery.
OEM is available, small order is welcome and will meet customers need. We warmly welcome domestic and overseas customers !
School Bag Computer, Briefcases, Bags & Cases, Other Handbags, Handbags & Bags, Luggage & Bags, Other Wallets, Wallets & Purses, Ladies Handbags, Apparel & Fashion
HQ Location
Guangzhou, CN
Lady's HandbagPursecaseTravel BagBagLady BagLadies' Handbagsbaghandbagleather bag