Guangzhou Jing Chuan Leather Factory can provide good quality Bags, Belts & Wallets and many other China Handbags, Women Handbag, Fashion Handbag, Lady Handbag, PU Leather Handbag, Leather Handbag, Canvas Handbag, Shoulder Bags, Tote Bag, Satchel Bag, Hobo Bag, Cross Body Bag products, as they are a classified Manufacturer. The headoffice of Guangzhou Jing Chuan Leather Factory is positioned in No.7 Zebin Road, Shiling Town Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China Guangzhou Guangdong *** China. Guangzhou Jing Chuan Leather Factory is a well-known business in China that is exporting universally. Guangzhou Jing Chuan Leather Factory Profile Name: vincent Address: No.7 Zebin Road, Shiling Town Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China Guangzhou Guangdong *** Country: China Main Products: Handbags, Women Handbag, Fashion Handbag, Lady Handbag, PU Leather Handbag, Leather Handbag, Canvas Handbag, Shoulder Bags, Tote Bag, Satchel Bag, Hobo Bag, Cross Body Bag Year Established: 2007 Export Focus: Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom Estimated Employees: 51 - 100 People Registered Capital: US$50 Million Ownership Status: Private Limited Export Percentage: 51% - 60% Factory Size: 3, 000-5, 000 square meters Production Lines: 10 Research Team Size: Fewer than 5 Contract Services: Design Service Offered
Leather Handbag, Handbags, Bags & Cases, Leather Handbags, Handbags & Bags, Luggage & Bags
HQ Location
No.7 Zebin Road, Shiling Town Huadu District, Guangzhou City, China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, China
HandbagsWomen HandbagLady HandbagFashion HandbagLeather HandbagCanvas HandbagLeisure HandbagCasual BagsPurseTote Bags