Growth OS© is a validated operating system for Product and Company Growth
Growth is not just a bag of tactics; it is an operating system in which the people of a company work to deliver sustainable long-term growth.
To be successful at this you need to know and implement the 2 core components:
1) The science of growth
2) A growth-minded culture
Do you know how you score against the 2 above components?
Or what you need to change to become better at growth?
During over 15 years of hands-on work with start ups and growth challenges, we have developed and validated the GOF© (Growth Operational Framework©) and the Growth-OS Questionnaire©.
These tools allow you to assess your company readiness and maturity towards growth from a scientific and cultural perspective.
Growth-OS will provide you a validated operational framework to enable your organization (whole company and/or specific teams) to grow faster and sustainably.
Our Growth Scientists at Growth OS PTE limited will help you getting ready for sustainable long term growth not creating a dependency on a consultant, but enabling your leadership team and your people to own and build the best possible growth for your company.
Who do we work with?
- Start ups from seed to series D
- Established companies that want to innovate, grow more, faster, or more sustainably
- Any business that is going through an inflection point or want to update and optimise their way of growing
What do we offer?
- Ad hoc workshops on Growth OS: from how to set up your company for successful growth to teaching in residence or online the latest growth science and growth culture
- Assessment of your maturity towards growth and development of your own Growth Operating System to address needed change, both in the way you develop your product/marketing and you shape your company culture
- Mentorship for emerging growth leaders
- Growth and revenue scenarios simulations with our proprietary Growth Scenarios Tool©
- Growth Recruiter Pack©