Groupe Ares (Association Pour La Réinsertion Économique Et Sociale)

Civic and Social Organizations · 1001 Employees
Phone Number: 33185585714
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ARES is the first social insertion association in Ile de France (Paris Region). Its main vocation is to favor the professional social insertion of largely excluded people (homeless, youth without qualification, handicapped people, and isolated people) by offering them a job and an adequate social support. The group, which has been carried by the Ares Association since 1991, spreads its social project through 11 institutions in Ile-de-France. Each institution is managed by a social contractor who is responsible for the projects achievement and guaranteeing its economical sustainability. In 2016 ARES has proposed a social and professional insertion pathway to 646 people in situation of great exclusion and has realized a turnover of 21 M€, thanks to the professional services provided to companies in 4 different sectors: Logistics / Circular economy / Ecologic transportation of goods/ IT activities.
Year Founded
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Civic and Social Organizations
HQ Location
14, Rue Lesault Pantin, Île-de-France 93500, FR
Conditionnementlogistique et expéditionsCollecte et Recyclage d'équipements de bureauGestion déléguée de servicesMétiers du BTPNumérique(Ré)insertioAccompagnement social et professionnel
  • 14, Rue Lesault Pantin, Île-de-France 93500, FR
  • 113, Avenue du Président Wilson Saint-Denis, Île-de-France 93200, FR
  • 3 rue de l'Industrie Hourtin, Gironde 33990, FR
  • 189 rue d'Aubervilliers PARIS, 75019, FR
  • 73, Rue du Moulin Bateau Bonneuil-sur-Marne, Île-de-France 94380, FR
  • 73, rue du Moulin Bateau Bonneuil-sur-Marne, Ile-de-France 94380, FR
  • 42, Rue de l'innovation Moissy-Cramayel, Île-de-France 77550, FR
  • 1 Bis Villa Charles Epinay Sur Seine, Seine Saint Denis 93800, FR
  • Rue des 44 Arpents ZA des Brateaux, Pole Eurologistics, Bâtiment F Porte B Villabé, Essonne 91100, FR
  • Allée des Peupliers Bâtiment C Zône Distripôle SAINT VULBAS, Ain 01150, FR
  • Rue du Lycée QNC – Centre pénitentiaire de Meaux-Chauconin Chauconin-Neufmontiers, Seine et Marne 77100 , FR
  • 83, Rue Henri Barbusse Nanterre, Île-de-France 92000, FR

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