Kalite specializes in designing and building facilities for meeting, conferencing, training and
entertainment. These facilities help improve the quality of communication and collaboration at
work and enhance quality of life at home. Kalite is known as the first professional audio-visual
company .
We at Kalite; as our name suggests; stands for quality. We strive for excellence in all our projects
and integrity in all our dealings. As this age is known as the green age; we have designed our
products considering all energy conservation and resources.
We provide clients with solutions for better management of their meeting, conferencing and training
Infrastructure. We do this by designing and building facilities for varied business environments and
Requirements, such as:
For Corporate and Government :
Acoustics ,Boardroom/Conference Rooms, Video Conference Rooms, Training Rooms,
Convention Centres, Executive Briefing Centres, Visitor Experience Centres, Network Operations Centres,
Digital Cafeterias.
For Hospitality:
Acoustics ,Lobbies, Banquet Halls, Health Clubs, Digital Signage, Paging/Background Music,
Guest Room Controls, Business Centres, Surveillance Solutions.
For Education:
Acoustics ,Distance Learning Centres, Training Rooms, Auditoriums, Boardroom / Conference Rooms,
Video Conference Rooms, Digital Cafeterias
For Residential
Acoustics Smart Homes, Home Cinemas, Intelligent Lighting, Surveillance Solutions