All successful organisations share at least one characteristic – high quality boards, but as any number of examples show, it is not enough to simply have high quality people on a board.
They have to work together as a team to deliver results. Governance is much talked about in the context of large companies, but the types and nature of the governance vary according to the organisation.
There are a range of different governance codes now available for large companies, small companies, charities and quasi-public bodies and all provide a useful benchmark to measure board effectiveness.
Many organisations have little experience of these codes, which have often only been introduced in the last few years and it is sometimes hard for undertakings to know what works for them and whether they are compliant.
Board evaluations are a very useful methodology for boards to understand how they measure against the codes and to analyse and improve their performance.
Alongside proper and necessary governance, organisations and their boards are increasingly facing complex challenges. The need for effective and excellent quality boards is even more vital for success.
Greenspire Evaluations helps organisations be more effective and to succeed.