Greencape Capital is a boutique investment manager based in Melbourne, Australia, managing over A$12 billion. The company was founded and is majority owned by David Pace and Matthew Ryland.
Greencape is committed to delivering superior returns. Repeatable outperformance is a cornerstone of our business philosophy. In this regard our interests are highly aligned with our clients' interests.
We believe in observation rather than prediction. When assessing a company to invest in, we undertake an intensive visitation program.
Our investment approach is targeted and efficient. Our company visitation is highly targeted, and is focused on efficiently collecting and verifying relevant information.
Capacity limits are considered a tangible competitive advantage. We limit the size of our funds under management in order to remain nimble in seeking outperformance for our clients.
We focus only on investing. By providing a broad range of integrated services to Greencape Capital, Fidante Partners frees up the Greencape investment team to focus on what it does best; investing and managing assets.