
GreenProtons specializes in E-Learning Providers with 2 employees
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About GreenProtons
At GreenProtons, we’ve seen again and again how the seemingly simple act of creating can be a force for growth, change, and discovery in people’s lives. We want to inspire and multiply the kind of creative exploration that furthers expression, learning, and application. GreenProtons also provides technology services with a proven track record of producing high-performance mobility solutions and portal applications. Throughout the GreenProtons family history, GreenProtons has expanded its offerings and capitalized on evolving technology trends to better serve its clients. While a lot of what we do at GreenProtons is around people and vertical enablement, the real value is in the method we use to get there. With our extensive team, massive technology portfolio, subject matter expertise in verticals, and delivery method, we work with clients to achieve the best fit between technology and their business. We specialize in Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Process Re-Engineering, developing business intelligence solutions for Retail (Apparel, Fashion, Footwear, Electronic Appliances, Fast Food, Home Textile, Fast food restaurants), Manufacturing, Trading, Distribution and Services Concerns. GreenProtons also provides a great learning experience with thousands of classes for creative and curious people, on topics including illustration, design, photography, video, freelancing, and more. On GreenProtons, millions of members come together to find inspiration and take the next step in their creative journey.
Year Founded
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E-Learning Providers
HQ Location
Lahore, Punjab 54310, PK
GreenProtons Location
  • Lahore, Punjab 54310, PK

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GreenProtons specializes in the E-Learning Providers field