Our mission is to ensure our neighbors with disabilities are at home in the community.
Green Mountain Support Services is a Specialty Services Agency (SSA) with our main office in Morrisville, Vermont. We are one of 15 agencies in the State of Vermont that has been designated to provide community-based services under the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL).
We are committed to the following:
Services focus on the individuality of each person and are relevant to the experiences and expectation of each individual.
By improving the quality of life for the people we serve, the quality of life in the community is enhanced as a whole.
To expect providers to be aware of the influence they have over people’s lives, and that their interactions will be respectful while promoting dignity.
Empowerment and decisions should be passed to the individual and their families whenever possible and that treatment and recovery plans should always reflect their values, needs and service agreements.
Natural families and natural supports are ideally the most effective avenues to ensure equality, acceptance and normalized community involvement for the people we serve.
Developing and using current best practices which allow for positive growth enhancement for all.
People with developmental disabilities should have the opportunity to improve their economic situations when possible.
Individuals, guardians and service providers must recognize the right to accept new challenges, allowing room to fail or succeed with the understanding that the mere effort is a success in itself.