Green ARC Worldwide
Green Arc worldwide is a clean technology company that introduces green solutions through an array of products and services. We identify, promote and help scale up green technologies through strategic partnerships and alliances.
Accessing reliable energy is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today .Our core offering is an innovative and sustainable food waste and garden waste management system aimed at significant energy savings for our clients. Simply put, we substitute your conventional cooking fuel with renewable and clean cooking fuel, or convert your food waste energy into electricity. Managing food waste in an Urban Environment has never been more efficient, sustainable and economical. We also offer cutting edge solutions to managing your garden waste through our technology, thereby eliminating the need for composting and rendering a nutrient dense fertilizer. We have partnered with the best in the field of energy innovation to bring you the most cutting edge and environmentally sound practices and concepts practiced worldwide. Broadly speaking, we envisage integrating various sustainable and profitable practices into residential and commercial settings.
Nano Barbeque, BBQ Accessories, Barbecue & Outdoor Cooking Devices, Kitchen Utensils & Appliances
HQ Location
Plot No. 88/89, First Lane, Darukhana Mazgaon, Mumbai-400010, Maharashtra, India