The Hellenic (Greek) Public Real Estate Corporation (HPREC) was founded in 1979 as a private corporation based on L.973/79. It has one share that is owned by the Greek State. It is supervised by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and operates within the framework of the Greek Founding Legislation and specifically Law 3429/2005.
Hellenic Public Real Estate Corporation’s goals:
* Efficient and programmed Administration and Management of the State’s real estate assets based on
operational criteria of the private economy, while safeguarding public and social interest.
* Strengthening the role of Hellenic Public Real Estate Corporation as an executive body encompassing all
Allocation Programmes of the Greek Public Sector.
* Increasing of the total value of the portfolio, achievement of additional value through the development and
exploitation of flexible investment tools.
* Implementation of new projects through the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme.
* Utilisation of modern financial methods (Sale & Leaseback, Sale Construct, Leaseback Operating