MISSION: The mission of the Greater Massena Chamber of Commerce is to enhance and sustain the economic environment and the quality of life in our community.
MEMBERSHIP: Approximately 320 members which include businesses, non-profit agencies, and individuals. The vast majority of the members are within 10 miles of Massena, but some are from further away, to include Canada.
Promote Massena: Relocation packets, direct mail, newsletter, email blasts, membership directory, website, community events, media advertising, and special interest directories.
Economic Growth: Promoting business-friendly policies and legislation working with local, regional, and statewide partners (Business Development Corporation, County Chamber, Chamber Alliance, and NYS Business Council). Promoting tourism in and to our own community- Events, publications, directories, website, etc.
Partner with Local Government: Tourism promotion agent for town and village. Provide publicity services for town and village. Provide input and planning.
Information Clearinghouse: Coordinate and publish monthly/yearly calendar of events (website), provide answers to questions posed by residents & visitors in person, by phone, e-mail, or mail.