Great Lakes Christian College, an institution of higher education affiliated with Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, seeks to glorify God by preparing students to be servant-leaders in the church and world.
The goals Great Lakes Christian College seeks to attain are inherent in the Mission Statement. The College is committed to serve and glorify God and endeavors to accomplish this by the following means:
1. To provide our students a foundation for Christian faith, thought, and character that is relevant to the challenges and opportunities of the world.
2. To develop in our students a greater awareness of the need for the Gospel in a fallen world and a personal commitment to be a bearer of that message.
3. To prepare educated, faithful vocational ministers, able to lead and administer churches and/or Christian institutions.
4. To prepare both volunteer and vocational Christian students for leadership and professional roles within the church and world.
5. To instill the restoration principles as espoused by Christian Churches/ Churches of Christ in the life, faith, ministry and witness of our students.
6. To assist the churches of our constituency through special events and educational programming.